
公共汽车iness Transfer Degree

You can transfer as a business major to all Washington state schools by finishing the requirements for an associate of arts and 科学s degree and taking specified business, economics and math 课程s. It is essential that you work with a business transfer adviser to ensure proper 课程 sequencing.

公共汽车iness administration, economics and accounting graduates can pursue careers in accounting, advertising, finance, management, marketing, retailing and other fields. Opportunities are available in the private sector or in government agencies. 学士 degree in this area is also good preparation for graduate school or for those wishing to become certified public accountants.

公共汽车iness schools in Washington state vary in their entry requirements. 有两个 ways that a WVC student can transfer to a four-year school and major in business:

1. Receive an associate of arts and 科学s (AAS-DTA) and include the required prerequisite business 课程s at your intended school of transfer. 你们需要紧密合作 with your faculty adviser to ensure proper 课程 sequencing.

AAS (emphasizing business)

Generally accepted and/or required at all Washington state business schools:
  • ACCT& 201 Principles of Accounting I (WVC elective)
  • ACCT& 202 Principles of Accounting II (WVC elective)
  • ACCT& 203 Principles of Accounting III (WVC elective)
  • 公共汽车& 201 公共汽车iness Law (WVC elective)
  • 经济学& 201微观经济学
  • 经济学& 202宏观经济学 (may use one economics class as WVC social 科学 and one as WVC elective)
  • 数学 140 Precalculus for 公共汽车iness and 社会科学* or
    数学& 141 Precalculus I (WVC qualitative skills)
  • 数学& 146 Introduction to Statistics (WVC natural 科学)
Recommended and/or required at selected Washington state schools of business (see 顾问):
数学& 148 公共汽车iness Calculus (UW, WSU, WWU)
数学200 Finite Math (WSU, EWU, CWU)
*学生 who don't meet 课程 requirements should take a prerequisite class or classes based on 位置分s.


2. Receive a direct transfer degree in business (公共汽车iness DTA). 你们需要紧密合作 with your faculty adviser to ensure proper 课程 sequencing.

Associate in 公共汽车iness - DTA 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College

要求:英格兰& 101
Select five credits from either ENGL 201 or 202 or 203 or 235
2级.0 or higher ("C" grade) in ENGL 201, 202, 203 or 235 is required for 毕业.
数学& 148* 数学200
 *Prerequisites for 数学 148: 数学 140 or 数学& 141 with a "C" or better or appropriate 位置分.

Required: No more than 10个学分 per subject area. Maximum of 15个学分 allowed 从表演课程.

  • WSU要求CMST& 220

The general rule for all universities is as follows, but each institution has its own requirements so students must check with their university of choice to verify 的要求:

  • Two years of high school foreign language is required or
  • Two quarters of college foreign language required.
要求:数学& 146 is required, plus 10个学分 in physical, biological and/or earth 科学. One 课程 must include a lab.

要求:经济学& 201 and 202 required and 5个学分 in an additional social 科学 课程.

  • WSU需要pol& 202
Required: 公共汽车iness 201 (formerly 公共汽车iness 204) and Accounting 201, 202, 203.

An additional 5个学分 can be selected from college-level 课程s. 最多三个 P.E. activity credits will be allowed toward this degree.

  • WSU要求BCT 105.
注意: 学生 interested in either business degree option need to contact their potential transfer institutions early regarding specific 课程 choices in humanities, social 科学s, business law or introduction to law, and in certain electives. 学生 should be aware of their potential transfer institution’s requirements for overall minimum GPA, a higher GPA in selected subsets of 课程s, or a specific minimum grade in one or more 课程s, such as in math or English.